Kekkon Shoya no Deathloop Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Loop 7+α - 1

When I think about it, I feel like I came in contact with an incredible person. But because Mr Âge behaved like too much of an unreliable older brother, I ended up treating him normally…

Anyway, I was a little relieved to see the pillar appear in front of me. I am——let me see, I think I'm at around the 50th loop.

Although my fighting spirit had diminished a little, I knew what I had to do.
It's an all-out confrontation with the man in the black cloth——Rhysel Russo.
That said, I will not be having duels in the bedroom anymore. 
lilies: bedroom battles sound like they should be so much sexier but it's really her getting murdered hahaha
After all, Mr Âge was angry at me.

Right now, that man should still be in the room with my brother. And it's just below mine!
At the thought of that, I could feel my fighting spirit burning again. I glared hard at my feet. Then I stomped my feet a few times. Let my thoughts resound.

I persuaded the reluctant maids with my skilful talk and headed for Mr Rhysel's room on the second floor of the West Wing. As my chaperone, the familiar Ines followed behind me to keep an eye on me.

I took a deep breath before confronting the abominable assassin. Then I knocked on the door.
After a moment, a blonde man peeks out from the opened door.


Mr Rhysel looked genuinely surprised when he saw me.
After making sure that he was unarmed, I tried my best to suppress my burning fighting spirit and smiled.

「Pardon me for visiting this late at night. Are Lord Rhysel Russo?」
「Ah…Yes. And you must be Lady Katrea. What brings you here?」
「Fufu, I thought that my brother might be intruding on Mr Rhysel's room. I would like to talk to him. May I come in? Fufu」
lilies: decided to keep the japanese laughing sound because I don't think there's any english onomatopoeia that quite captures it. i imagine it to be like when you smile and breathe out from your nose kind of "laugh"
「…How did you know that your brother is in my room?」

Ah, I didn't think of an excuse for that.
I was trying to get Mr Rhysel's guard down by pretending to be ladylike but I failed. I got the gears in my head cranking and tried my best to come up with a believable lie.

「It's because of the bond between siblings. My brother and I know each other's location even when we are apart. Fufu.」
「…I-I see.」

Mr Rhysel had a look on his face that read: Although the excuse is completely ridiculous, it's a hassle to argue over it so I'm not going to bother. 

Uuh. It was extremely unpleasant to be seen as troublesome by this guy. However, for the sake of accomplishing a spectacular condemnation event, I will bear with it for now.

「Please come in. Lord Hatris is in the back.」
「Fufu, Well then, please excuse me.」

I told Ines to wait for me outside and entered the room. I could smell tension in the air when I walked pass Mr Rhysel.

「Huh? What are you doing here.」

In the back of the room, my older brother, who was sitting comfortably on a chair by the fireplace, saw me and called out. The pretext of us having a great sibling bond was ruined immediately. 

As expected of Brother. You completely negate my efforts.

But that's fine. I decided to be nice to my brother this time because I did something bad in the third loop.
I didn't answer my brother's question, but quickly stood in front of him to hide him behind my back and looked straight at Mr Rhysel.

「Mr Rhysel… I actually came here to talk to you Mr Rhysel.」
「Eh…? I see. To what do I owe this pleasure?」
「No, no, I think you're the one who has business with me, Mr Rhysel. Do please tell me what do you want from me?」
「Haha… I suppose I hoping to have a chance to chat with you and Crusseld sometime in the future. But I don't think I have any specific business with you personally.」
lilies: i find that last line a bit unnatural so if anyone has any suggestions do let me know!
「My my, I see you're trying to feign innocence until the end.」

In that case, I'll make it clear. 

In one swift motion, I pointed my finger at Mr Rhysel and announced loudly with my diaphragm engaged.

「You are the culprit!」
(lilies: ahahah this is such a conan moment: shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu! XD)

At first, Ms Rhysel looked at me dumbfounded. But after a while, as if he realised the meaning of my words, the kind smile he had pasted on his face quickly disappeared.

「…Culprit? What do you mean by that?」
「There's no point to you playing dumb right now. I already know that you are a cruel and ruthless assassin who will sneak into the master bedroom tonight and try to assassinate me.」

See, Mr Rhysel looks clearly shaken by my words. 

His lips trembled slightly and I could see a single bead of sweat dripping from her forehead. This is my chance to corner him in one go!

「All that shaking is the best proof! Now, let yourself be apprehended by me without struggling!」

(lilies: ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ hehe how do you like my choice of onomatopoeia)


I felt a pain in my head that I haven't felt in a long time.

Without a doubt, it was caused by my brother's fist.

「You're terrible!」
「It's your head that's terrible, you idiot.」

My brother was glaring down at me like never before.
But I couldn't back down here. I had guts that rivalled my brother.

「I'm not randomly accusing people of being a criminal. Look, Mr Rhysel has been perspiring like crazy for a while now. And he didn't even refute me.」

As I spoke, Brother Tris glanced at Mr Rhysel and then back at me again.

「I think he's just speechless at your stupidity!」
「Stop it! Why do you keep taking his side since just now!」

I was incredibly irritated and frustrated. If only Mr Rhysel would come at me in a fit of anger. I was confident that I wouldn't be killed that easily by Mr Rhysel who was currently unarmed.

「If everything is as you say, then what is Lord Rhysel's motive for killing you?」
「Ah, I don't really know either. Why, Mr Rhysel!」
(lilies: ahahah (❁˃́ᴗ˂̀) why is rea so freaking cute)
「…You're giving me a headache.」

Despite having brawn for brain, Brother Tris put his hand on his forehead and sighed. 
(lilies: facepalm basically)
But even I don't really know. I haven't done anything that would make Mr Rhysel hate me.
But Mr Rhysel really wants to kill me. And I can't figure out why until he tells me.

「Anyway, this person was planning to ambush me in the master bedroom with his face covered and kill me when I entered the room without knowing anything. Oh, he's going to use poison too; his blade is covered in poison and there's also a poison gas that makes it very hard to breathe.」

At my words, Mr Rhysel's eyes widened once more.
As if to say: how did you know? 

That's because I experienced it.

「That assassination plan doesn't make any sense. If Lord Rhysel were to lay in ambush in the master bedroom, wouldn't he run into the Duke before meeting you?」
「The Duke isn't in the master bedroom. He never headed for the master bedroom in the first place.」
「I don't know why, but I'm sure the Duke is holed up in the library or somewhere right now. And for whatever reason, this person knows about that!」
「Um, well, Rea. Your husband should have headed to the bedroom.」
「That's right. That's why this person was able to sneak into the master bedroom so openly——huh?」

The Duke headed to the master bedroom? What is this? Or rather, how does Brother Tris know about that?

As I was searching for my next words in response to the unexpected answer, my brother seized the opportunity and grabbed me. Then he forced my head down, and he bowed his head along with me.

「I deeply apologise, Lord Rhysel. My sister seems to be acting a little strange because of nerves or something. I'll tell her off later, but for now, we seek your understanding and forgiveness.」

As my brother spoke, Mr Rhysel, who had been staring at me silently all the time, looked up suddenly with a jerk. Then, he plasters a fake smile on his face.

「A-A…yes. She must have been exhausted from the wedding during the day. I don't mind… It's not easy for you either, Lord Hartris.」
「This is truly shameful.」
「Wait a minute, Brother Tris! I'm not done——」

In an attempt to restore the atmosphere that was dissipating, I peeled my brother's hand from my head and raised my voice. But he immediately covered my mouth with his rock-like hand.

「Okay, okay, calm down you idiot. Stop talking already, you idiot.」
「Hmphh, mhm-hmm!」
「That's right, you're very sorry[1]. Now then, we should get going.」

My brother picked me up with one hand and headed for the door. Then, before leaving the room, he bowed once more.

「I'm really sorry, Lord Rhysel. This fellow is an idiot, but she's usually not this stupid.」
「It's okay, you don't have to be so solemn. I'll see you tomorrow.」

If things continue like this, there won't a tomorrow.
The real culprit, whom I thought I had finally caught, was getting further and further away.

I struggled as hard as I could, but there was no way I could win against the Baltic men. So just like that, we left Mr Rhysel's room. 

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1. I think it should be something like: "you're reflecting, you're remorseful" but I feel like it doesn't flow as well

In case you're wondering why I'm so inconsistent with the forms of address (constant switching between "Lord" and "Mr"), especially for Rhysel, it's really because the author keeps switching between -dono and -san

Please feedback to me in the comments below if you find any typos or terrible grammar, etc that you think I should change. Or maybe you think my interpretation is completely off lol Help me help you have a better reading experience ahahah what a tongue twister XD
Thank yous!! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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