Kekkon Shoya no Deathloop Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Loop 7+α - 2

As my brother pulled me out of the room, Ines, who usually seemed quite calm, was looking at me with a tense expression. 

You got a shock didn't you. Sorry. 

「Sorry, but please wait outside.」

My brother commanded, stopping Ines in who was about to follow us. Then he grabbed me and dragged me into his room.

My brother was very angry.

I knew immediately that I was about to get hit again.
However, even if it wasn't as bad as the death matches I've had with Mr Rhysel, I did endure my brother's unreasonable punches numerous times in all my past loops. With my heightened senses now, avoiding his fists wouldn't be too difficult.

First of all, I just need to figure out the timing to make a move. If I could predict his initial move, then I could avoid the fists of my brother, who was a big man who wasn't very flexible.


「Terrible! A surprise attack!」

I writhed in pain, clutching my throbbing head. While I wasn't looking, my brother landed his second punch of this loop.  And he hadn't held back.

My brother's punches were serious. I'd once seen him take down a rampaging boar with just his fists. Even in the third loop, despite being weakened by poison, he was able to smash Mr Rhysel into a wall with a single punch. How could he deliver such a vicious blow to his lovely sister?
I almost moved on to the next loop.

However, there wasn't a hint of guilt or concern on my brother's face.

「You idiot! How much further do you intend to embarrass yourself?」

His deep voice reverberated through the room, causing the whole room to shake. My brother, who would have been considered of the surrounding rooms in previous loops, now roared at me like a bear.
Known for having the courage that would not lose to a bear, I barked back at him though my voice was closer to that of a puppy. 
(lilies: awhhh i'm just imagining our Katrea as a chihuahua ahahaha small but deadly)

「You're the one who never listens to me! You have no idea how hard things have been for me!」
「What do you have to go through to call your husband's best friend an assassin! …So, who the hell put that idea in your head? I'll deal with them myself!」

No one fed me that information. It was the truth I'd discovered after numerous deaths.
I had faced struggles that even my brother couldn't complain about.

My brother seemed to think I'd heard the story from someone and then barged into Mr Rhysel's room.
Did he think I was that gullible? Or maybe he trusted I wouldn't accuse someone of attempted murder without good reason.

I'm sick of my brother not even trying to take me seriously, let alone believe me, but I had other questions to ask him.

I decided to shift the conversation.

「That aside, why were you so sure the Duke went to the master bedroom when you were drunk, Brother Tris? What else do you know?」

At that moment, my brother avoided eye contact with me. He was clearly trying to hide something.

「If you don't believe me, then at least explain why! It's unfair to deny my claims without giving a reason!」

Despite my pressing, he stroked his chin as if he was thinking about something and did not open his mouth.

But, perhaps taken aback by my force, he finally relented and spoke in a small voice.

「Until just a while ago, Lord Rhysel and His Highness… the three of us were drinking together.」

My brother, Mr Rhysel, and the Duke…?  Why those three?
I can't picture it at all. 

A wild beast sandwiched between flower-like noblemen. 
(lilies: i can't with these siblings (≧ヮ≦) 

Or three of them: enemy, enemy, and brother.

「Lord Rhysel and I hit it off quite well at the party.  heard that our rooms were close together, so I went to his room to invite him for a drink and saw that the Duke was there as well.」
「So, you barged into a room with two handsome men and drank to your heart's content.」

I was struck on the head without a word.

「So, I think about half an hour ago, the Duke said it was time to head to the master bedroom and left.」
「But you didn't personally see the Duke enter the master bedroom, did you?」
「Oh, shut up. He was heading there. I know it.」

What's with that? That's some baseless muscle-headed assertion.
However, if what my brother said was true, then why wasn't the Duke in the master bedroom? There's also the question of how Mr Rhysel knew that the Duke, who was supposed to have gone to the master bedroom, had gone somewhere else. If he wasn't certain that the duke was not in the master bedroom, he wouldn't have been able to sneak into the room.

「When the Duke went to the master bedroom, did Mr Rhysel leave the room with him or anything?」
「No. After that, he continued drinking with me in the room… Well, he did seem a little worried, though.」
「Worried about what?」
「That's irrelevant.」

He was being evasive again. Suspicious.

「…Ah, shortly after the Duke left, Lord Rhysel did excuse himself to go to the washroom.」
「When was that?」
「I don't know. Anyway, it was right after the Duke left.」
「Where is the bathroom on this floor?」
「At the end of the hallway—next to the nearest staircase. It only takes a few minutes to walk there and back. Lord Rhysel returned quickly. Nothing seemed unusual.」

No. I am sure that it was during that time that Mr Rhysel found out that the Duke was not in the master bedroom.

Thinking back, when I stormed into the library with Serrie in the fourth loop, the Duke had asked「Did Rhysel tell you?」Unless Mr Rhysel knew that he went to the library, the Duke wouldn't have said that line.

The question is, how did he know about it in the short time that he went to the bathroom and back? Did he go to the trouble of checking the master bedroom himself? But this is the west wing. And the master bedroom was in the central wing, which was quite a walk away Moreover, the Duke knew that Mr Rhysel knew that he was in the library… 

Hmm, I can't figure it out. Hmm, I don't get it.

Well, there's no point in me thinking any more about it.
In this case,  I guess I have no choice but to ask the Duke directly.

「…It's a shame we couldn't reach an understanding. However, I also realised that I need to investigate further. I'll go to the library and ask the Duke about the master bedroom.」
「Are you still going to accuse Lord Rhysel of being an assassin? He's the Duke's best friend! Stop this nonsense.」
「If everything you say is true, then the Duke should be waiting for me in the master bedroom right now. Then there shouldn't be any problem with me checking the library, right?」

Got him! It felt good to win an argument with my brother for the time in a while.

「Well, alright. If you're so worried, come with me, Brother Tris.」

He looked torn between not wanting to deal with me and feeling like he couldn't leave me to my own devices. Caught between the two, my brother was conflicted.
But in the end, his sense of responsibility won, and my brother nodded reluctantly.
As for me, I got lucky because I didn't want to face the Duke alone.

「Speaking of which, you said the Duke was in Mr Rhysel's room with you and Mr Rhysel, right?」
「So that's why there were so many bottles and glasses…」

That would explain the sense of incongruity I felt in the third loop.
I felt that there was an awful lot of bottles and glasses on the floor for two people. However, if there was a third person, it would explain the sense of incongruity.

Whoa, is my detective instinct kicking in? Dear Grandmother in heaven, is this my talent?

「No, the Duke didn't drink a drop. I drank most of it.」

Ah, right. I see.

「I couldn't do without drinking. Lord Rhysel's room was directly below yours and the noise of your shouting and commotion was so loud we could hear you over our talk… It was so embarrassing that I had to rely on alcohol to get through it by getting drunk.」

Come to think of it, my brother had come to my room in the first loop because of the noise. Earlier, he had also complained about the noise This would also mean that the Duke had heard it too…

「T-Then, did you hear what I was saying?」
「I couldn't make out much of what you were saying. It just sounded like some loud, monkey-like noises.」


I didn't care what the Duke thought of me now, but it would have been awkward if he had heard me say things like 「I don't want to marry someone like that.」or「There's no way I could become a couple with him.」

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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