ARBE Chapter 17

Chapter 17

It was midnight when Ding Sheng suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. In his daze, he vaguely sensed the Emperor, Empress, Stuart, and several others coming in and out of his room.

When he finally came to, he found that the Emperor and Empress, Stuart, and the High Priest were all sitting around him[1], their expressions heavy and solemn as they watched him.

The Emperor was the first to lose his patience. "Kris, are you out of your mind?! You told Dishang Huai your true gender?"

I didn't tell him; he figured it out himself. italicise Despite the thought, Ding Sheng nodded his head.

The divine beast disguised as an imperial prince, Stuart, got straight to the point. "Not only did you tell him, but you also engaged in overly intimate behaviour with him in a public setting?"

Ding Sheng: "What public setting?! There wasn't a single soul on the seventh floor of the library! Moreover, we weren't overly intimate, it was just a few kisses and a bit of touching…" His voice trailed off towards the end.

The Empress looked as though she was about to faint. How could she have given birth to such an heir for the Empire? She'd have been better off having a piece of roast pork[2]

The High Priest was the most composed. He looked at the stars above and said solemnly, "Considering that Dishang Huai is still the Princess’s betrothed in name, and the two are in love. Their relationship is practically as close as blood relatives. The problem doesn't lie with him… I sense a powerful force approaching us, likely someone who has discovered the Princess’s secret and intends to use it as leverage…"

The High Priest, who looked more like that divine guardian beast of the empire than the real guardian beast, was right.

That power force was the Holy Order of Sanduas, or Holy Order for short.

When he first saw this name, Ding Sheng couldn't help but grumble—why couldn't the original author just write a proper cultivation or martial arts novel?! italicise

This religious order was a semi-secret faction on the Bifa Continent, but they possessed profound strength that surpassed even that of ordinary empires. Even if the Olay Empire were to clash head-on with them, it was difficult to say who would emerge victorious. More importantly, if the neighbouring countries, all eagerly eyeing their chance, decided to attack the Olay Empire while it was distracted, they would really be in big trouble.

The strangest thing about the Holy Order wasn't even their name but their cultivation method. They were a magic-based church, yet they had a dual cultivation technique—yes, the very system commonly found in cultivation novels was forcefully transplanted into a magical setting by the author of "Other World Royal Odyssey".

All Ding Sheng had were question marks. Why on earth didn't the author just straight-up write a cultivation novel?

The grandson of the Holy Order's chairman was a dual-attribute mage with balanced affinity for gold and fire. According to their church’s cultivation method, the best match for dual cultivation would be someone with balanced ice and wind attributes. And thus, he set his sights on the beautiful, noble, and highly gifted Kris. However, Kris was the darling little princess of the empire after all, so he couldn’t exactly force her into anything. Instead, he planned to first bring the princess into the church as a disciple. Once she practised the order’s techniques and developed feelings for his grandson over time, surely she would realise that his grandson was the perfect partner and they would form a happy union.  This way, he could even conveniently take control over the Olay Empire's power.

But why would the little princess need to go study at his Holy Order?

So the chairman came up with another scheme. In his youth, when he travelled the continent, he had crossed paths with liches, and even saved the life of an elderly lich. Thanks to this interaction, he learned some of their most guarded secret techniques—specifically, how to trigger a suppressed curse and then suppress it again. While secretly observing Kris, he discovered that the little princess had somehow been cursed by a lich. Overjoyed, he plotted to trigger the suppressed and gradually weakening curse within her, hoping to use this as leverage to negotiate with the Olay Empire, offering to lift the curse in exchange for Kris becoming a disciple of the Holy Order. For the sake of the princess’s life, surely the Emperor and Empress wouldn't say no.

In reality, he didn't have the ability to lift the curse at all. The most he could do was suppress it again until it naturally faded away. As the original curse from the lich was one of “premature death”; it had a time limit. Originally, Kris would have been able to revert to his true identity in just two years, but thanks to the president's meddling, the curse’s duration was extended, and Ding Sheng would have to keep up the princess act for another five years.

However, unless a real lich was present, no one could see through the chairman’s lies and tricks. Even the wisest and most experienced High Priest of the Olay Empire believed the chairman's words that he could lift the curse and save the princess from death.

After all, the other party was a highly respected Archmage across the Bifa Continent.

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1. Written as "外屋" which doesn't make sense in context since it translates to outhouse?? or according to Baidu, it refers to a room in several connected houses that lead directly to the outside.
2. This is a cantonese meme to say that someone is less useful than a piece of roast pork—at least roast pork is tasty and fills you up.

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I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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