ARBE Chapter 11

Chapter 11

When dealing with a cannon fodder like Rick, no matter how thrilling or dangerous the process might be, the protagonist would always come out on top.

So, when Dishang Huai stood on the royal viewing platform in his elegant suit, arm in arm with Kris, he could only tell himself that being invited to this event might make his father a little happier.

He looked at the hand wearing a white silk glove that was resting on his own, his eyes deep in thought. He should know that by holding this hand, he was basically handing her the chance to trample all over him again, giving the princess the leverage to act however she pleased with him.
And yet, he still went ahead and did it, indulging her demands, like drinking poison to quench his thirst.

Suppressed whispers could be heard from the other nobles around them. The nobles hadn’t expected the princess to bring her disgrace of a fiancé as her escort to such a prestigious event like the National Day.

It's not like this guy was drop-dead gorgeous, his family in decline, and he had no talents to speak of. Sure, he was in decent shape, but the palace guards were just as fit, if not more. Just what on earth did the princess see in him?

As the two stood on the viewing platform, Dishang Huai gazed at the soldiers in the parade below in their gleaming gold and silver armour. Suddenly, he asked, "Your Highness suddenly decided not to annul our engagement… Was it to keep me as a shield against guys like Rick?"

"No," Ding Sheng replied simply. I'm just simply determined not to break off our engagement. 
However, that wasn't something he could explain, so he turned his head away and huffed, "Think whatever you like."

No matter how hard you think, you won't be able to guess the real reason. 

Is she… sulking?
Dishang Huai was stunned for a moment, before chuckling inwardly. He thought to himself that the princess was truly temperamental—hard to read and even harder to please. Even he could never guess what she was thinking.

However, she probably wasn't meaning to use him as a shield, and his wild guesses annoyed her.

What was he to do? Even though he's been telling himself to hold back, to remember that this was all a facade with hidden motives. Even though he's been reminding himself again and again to be prepared for the day he’d be disliked and discarded once more… Even though he's been telling himself to endure, that one day he would earn everything he wants through his own strength… 

But despite all that, he still couldn’t help but see the person beside him as his fiancée.

It was still early in the day and it was a little chilly on the viewing platform. For the sake of appearances, Kris wore only a gorgeous white lace gown with a rose design, making her look rather delicate. Her thick, curly chestnut hair made her appear even more petite.

Dishang Huai couldn’t help but move closer to her, asking softly, "Are you cold, Your Highness?"

Ding Sheng paused for a moment, then nodded slightly, his chin lifting at a small angle. As a junior apprentice in ice magic, he was even more sensitive to the cold than most people.

Dishang Huai smiled gently as he silently cast a spell to dispel the cold. A wave of warmth instantly enveloped them. Although he knew many advanced spells in theory, as his bloodline had just awakened, his magic power was currently only at the level of a toddler, just enough to cast the most basic of spells like this.

Ding Sheng, who knew this, turned to Dishang Huai in surprise. "You can use magic?!"

It's not like his surprise was fake. According to the original story, the protagonist would've never revealed his abilities this early, much less expose his ability in magic this suddenly in front of Kris. In fact, he would continue to be known as a useless trash until the day he left the Olay Empire. And by the time he returned to the empire five years later, most of his bloodline would have awakened and he would've gone through countless adventures, collecting countless exotic treasures along the way. By that time, his strength had already vaguely surpassed that of a high-level Grand Mage.

That was one of the major climaxes of "Other World Royal Odyssey". 

In the novel, after being rejected, the protagonist would leave Jingde Academy and the Olay Empire on a journey to train and grow. Over five years,, he gained countless useful encounters which greatly awakened his bloodline. 

The protagonist, who was now a completely different person, hid his strength and pretended to be the same incompetent loser when he returned to the Olay Empire and Jingde Academy. As he meets the people from his past, be it those who pitied or mocked him, he receives it all but returns it in kind as he gradually unveils his hidden abilities one by one at various major events, making a big splash. He played the fool to catch the tiger[1], delivering satisfying blows to his detractors. 

Until the end, where he froze his former fiancée—the one who forcefully broke their engagement back then, the Crystal Rose of the Olay Empire, the little Princess Kris—at the bottom of the icy lake. He even toppled the royal family who were intent on avenging Kris and put the family of supporting female character 3, who had always treated him kindly, in power instead. In doing so, he became the true secret ruler of the empire. Only then were all the old grievances and matters of the past put to rest. After paying respects to his family ancestors, the protagonist left the Olay Empire once more and embarked on a new journey.

That's why Ding Sheng, who knew everything, found it strange that Dishang Huai would so easily use his new skill in magic in front of him.

Dishang Huai heard his question but did not show any alarm. Instead, he smiled slightly, placing his right index finger on his own lips, then moving it straight onto Kris's lips, gently touching them before pulling back.

He said, "Shh, Your Highness, it's just a little trick, I hope Your Highness won't laugh at me."

Dishang Huai himself was astonished at how easily he had revealed this ability. However, at that moment, all he wanted was to keep the person next to him warm. Anything other than that, they weren't part of his concerns.

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1. Written as "扮猪吃老虎" which directly translates to "pretending to be a pig then eating a tiger. It means to pretend to be weak so that the other party will underestimate you and you can one up them.

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I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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