ARBE Chapter 10

Chapter 10

As the saying goes, "The tree wants to be still, but the wind won't stop[1]."

Due to Kris' stance, the nobles of the Olay Empire didn't dare act rashly. And since the two of them had been together a lot lately, they didn't dare mess with Dishang Huai either. However, the princes and nobles of other countries didn't share the same concerns.

Take for instance, Prince Rick of the neighbouring country Lydon who fancied Kris. It's not that he really liked Kris. Though, in the first place, Kris' external features did easily draw people to her. And secondly, if he and Kris were to marry, it would bring a lot of benefits to the Kingdom of Lydon. 

 Although the Kingdom of Lydon was weaker than the Olay Empire overall, Prince Rick was quite talented, being a rare magic warrior skilled in both martial and magical arts. In the original story, he was also a major cannon fodder, who later got manipulated by Kris, who out of spite, used him to deal with Dishang Huai. Either way, he was utterly defeated by the protagonist.

He became anxious upon hearing that Kris had suddenly decided not to break off the engagement and was getting close to that trash from the Dishang family. He had assessed the other competitors around Kris and concluded that he was the best match for her, feeling certain that she would choose him in the end. As such, he had long subconsciously regarded Kris as his possession. The proud Princess Kris from the story was naturally very disgusted by his attitude, so she only occasionally used him for her purposes.

Who knew that the fiancé whom he had already ousted in his mind would emerge suddenly. That person had a legitimate title attached to him after all; Rick felt like he had virtually been slapped. As the heir to a kingdom, Rick felt like he was provoked. 

And thus, he decided to challenge Dishang Huai to a battle, to see was truly worthy of the princess!

Ding Sheng simply couldn't help but wonder if he had a screw loose. 

Hello Mister, how is the marriage contract between the two of us any of your business? Even if you defeat Dishang Huai, what difference does it make? I’m not breaking off the engagement! 

However, as a flopped level-up, feel-good type novel, "Other World Royal Odyssey" only cared about mindlessly feeling good. Hence, the cannon fodder characters often lacked common sense and often left their house without their brain; Ding Sheng was already used to it.

Nevertheless, Ding Sheng was still instinctively hostile to anyone who wanted to break his engagement, guarding against them as if they were the enemy of the people.

Therefore, when Rick challenged Dishang Huai to a duel, Ding Sheng rushed out first, his chest puffed out as he solemnly declared, "My fiancé is but an ordinary man. Don't you think you're being a little too unfair, Your Highness? How about I face you instead and see for myself the strength of a magic warrior." 

Even though he had never actually fought anyone since arriving here; he was actually quite scared.

The onlookers had only heard rumours of Princess Kris’ sudden change in attitude towards her trash of a fiancé. This was the first time they had witnessed how protective she was of Dishang Huai.

However, Dishang Huai slowly walked forward from behind, positioning himself in front of Kris, shielding her entirely as he said flatly, "No need."

Then he turned to look at Kris quietly and whispered to her, "I can deal with him."

Ding Sheng did believe him. According to the story, the protagonist inadvertently came into contact with the seal after killing Royce. However, his bloodline had only just started awakening and there weren't any obvious changes yet, so it was hard to detect.

 In any case, as someone equipped with the super-level-up protagonist halos such as "Eventually Becoming the Supreme God" and "Shattering the Void to Create a New Era", the power of Dishang Huai was not comparable to a mere mortal like him.

Ding Sheng readily stepped aside, and added after some thought, "If you win, you will accompany me to the National Day Parade."

Every year on National Day, the imperial family would organise a grand celebration, inviting the nobles from aristocratic families to join in the parades and other festivities. Since the decline of the Dishang family, they had not been invited for over a decade and could only watch from afar with the lesser nobles.

I should say no. Hurry up and reject her.

 Dishang Huai's heart screamed, but from the outside, those deep dark eyes appeared calm, like an ancient well or blue hole.

"Alright," Dishang Huai heard himself agree. He clenched his fist in frustration.

"Then it's settled," said the bright and beautiful girl in front of him as she smiled to herself, the amethyst tiara perched atop her head shimmering brightly, completely oblivious to the storm raging within him.

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1. Written as "树欲静而风不止" The idiom means that the world changes, whether you want it or not, or basically that things don't change according to a person's will.

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.


  1. Just found this today! Super nervous it’s only 11 chpts, especially since the chpts are so short! Thanks for the translation. Looking forward to how this could possibly end next chpt.

    1. sorry to get your hope up but as mentioned in chapter 4 "Just in case anyone's wondering, my chapters are split based on how the author originally posted before she transferred the content to JJWXC"

    2. That’ll teach me not to read the notes!

    3. there there hahah ( ´・・)ノ(._.`) i do plan on increasing the update frequency once i'm done with YBNYH

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