Reijou wa Mattari wo Goshomou V3C6

Chapter 3-6

3 Reunion

I woke up with the sunrise.
As I got up and stretched out, Ryuu, who was sleeping next to me, grabbed the blanket and pulled it closer to herself.
I smiled and stroked her blue hair gently.

Let's let her sleep a bit more.

I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I returned to my room and opened the window by kneeling on the green sofa. Taking in the fresh air, I felt refreshed.
After airing out the room, I opened my closet, took off my nightgown, and chose a dress for the day.
After some contemplation on which one to choose, I remembered the roses from yesterday and chose the blue dress.

It was a simple dress with no decorations. After tying the corset tightly, I put on an apron over it.
After brushing my hair, I tied it in a loose braid with a night sky-coloured ribbon.

With that, I was ready. Let's wake Ryuu up now.

「Wake up, Ryuu. It's morning.」

Grabbing Ryuu by her shoulders, I shook her. Finally, Ryuu got up gingerly, rubbing her eyes.
I pushed her into the bathroom so that she could get ready for the morning there.

After making my bed, I headed downstairs and clapped my hands which were imbued with magic. Magic spilt out from the palm of my hand in the form of light green light, forming a circle on the floor.
From the glowing circle emerges a line of Loto fairies, shouting 「Aye! Aye! Aye!」as they marched out.

Their heads, which resembled lotus buds, swayed in unison. While their plump body and limbs made them look as if they had been stretched out by pinching and pulling.
They marched in waving their hands and feet excitedly.

「I'll need you help to clean up.」

The little army of Lotos gave me a sharp salute.
Then, with a「woah」they scattered throughout the room and started cleaning.
Then, Ryuu came down as I went into the kitchen.

「Pancakes for breakfast?」
「Got it.」

With the help of Ryuu and the Lotos, I started preparing breakfast.  The Lotos stir and mix the berry sauce while Ryuu cooks the pancake batter which she mixed with the help of magic.
I cut the mango into little flowers and decorated the plate with them.

After cleaning up, the Lotos, Ryuu, and I enjoyed the pancakes at the counter.
The sweet and fluffy pancakes melt and disappear in my mouth. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the tangy berry sauce mixing with the sweetness of the pancakes. 
(lilies: think remy from ratatouille lol)

As we ate, Ryuu poked at the amethyst on the counter. Thinking it's better to keep it on me, I put it in my apron pocket.

「Rhonya, do you like that mage?」
「Yeah, I do.」

I replied with a smile and Ryuu smiled back.

「...I see.」

Was all Ryuu said before putting her hands together and saying「Thanks for the meal」
I said the same and got up.

「Let's sing, Rhonya.」
「Aye! Aye!」

Ryuu requested suddenly and the Lotos joined in. I had no choice but to comply with their request.

「Alright. Let's sing together, Ryuu.」

While singing a lullaby of this country with Ryuu, I steadily prepare for the opening of the café.

Since it's the Mango Festival, I'll be making mango mousse cakes. I'll make extra, and hopefully, we'll get lots of orders. I'm sure Chise-san would want to eat them too.

While I was making the cakes, the shop was filled with the sweet smell of mangoes.
And now, for a taste. When I got a Loto try it, it held its cheeks as its eyes lit up.

It was sweet and delicious. That's great.

The preparations for the opening of the shop were successfully completed, and after seeing the Lotos off as they returned to the forest, Ryuu went up to the second floor.

After a while, the white doorbell rings and I greet my guests with a smile.


I handed over the products to customers who dropped by before work and saw them off with a「Have a good day」

「As I thought, Rhonya's coffee is the best.」
「She reminds me of my late wife; it makes me smile.」
「What are you saying, geez.」
「No, my wife was really beautiful, just like Rhonya-chan.」

Two older gentlemen, Darren and Matthew, who appeared to be close friends shared such a conversation at the table.

I chuckled and said「Fufu, thank you for your kind words.」
As much as I would've liked to hear more of their stories,  I had an order for mango mousse cake, so I hurried to deal with it.

「Mmn, delicious!」

Selena who was seated at the counter exclaimed. Today she had her hair up in twin-tails with the ends curled.

「Manager-san, how long will the Mango Festival last?」

Sally, the blonde sitting to Selena's right, asked.

「It's until the end of this week.」
「I see. I want to try tarts next time!」
「Tarts, huh. That sounds good. I’ll make some soon.」

I'll try making it this afternoon. Maybe I'll have Ryuu taste it too.
As I thought to myself, Darren and Matthew, who had apparently been listening to the conversation, chimed in.

「A tart, eh? I'd like one too. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.」
「All the best, Rhonya.」
「Thank you.」

It’s rewarding to be encouraged like this.

After the busy brunch time, it was just before twelve o'clock when the stream of customers stopped.
After cleaning up, I decided to take a break, and opened a book to read for a while.
It was the book Sena-san recommended to me before.

It was a fantasy adventure.
The story follows a prince on a mission to save the world, and the friendship and bonds he makes along the way. As I read the book, I smiled at the camaraderie between the characters. And felt tense on the other hand, when it got to the battles in the dungeon-like cave. While I was absorbed in reading the story, the doorbell rang.


When I looked up, I could not say「Welcome」as usual.

The person who opened the door was a handsome man with short blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a luxurious coat which screamed his nobility status and carried a sword at his waist.
Schneider Zeoland.

My ex-fiancé and my first love.

「So this is where you were, Rhonya!!」

While I was still stunned, Schneider grabbed my arm and the book I was holding fell onto my lap.

「What are you doing here, Schneider?」

I knew he's been looking for me. The question was, why?
I thought calmly; it didn't seem like he was here as a casual coffee shop customer.

「I've been looking for you for a long time… I heard you didn't give orders for the harassment!?」

The harassment he's talking about was probably referring to the harassment of Lady Misano Aroga[1]
Certainly, I've never harassed Lady Misano. But I was successfully accused of the crime and Schneider decided to break off the engagement with me.

「If it was a misunderstanding, why didn't you tell me! Even when I broke of our engagement, why did you smile and tell me to be happy?」

Schneider asked with a pained expression.

「You loved me, but due to the situation, you left me out of love, didn't you!? Rhonya… you…」

Schneider stared at me with an intensity I've never seen before.
He gripped my hands tightly as I stared back at him, stunned.

Instead of goodbye, I said——Be happy.
I said this to Schneider to thank him for spoiling me all these years.
But did Schneider come all the way to this remote town because of those words?

「No. You know I always hated that house, don't you? It was my chance to get away, so I left you as well.」

I spoke each word clearly and tried to shake off his hand, but he’s too strong.

「Rhonya… Tell me your true feelings. This time I will return your love.」
(lilies: wow this shameless trash)

I was so taken aback that I was at a loss for words.
He should have been united with his destined partner, Misano, so why was he saying such a thing now? 
(lilies: united as in marriage)

Even if I stared into his serious blue eyes, I couldn't find the answer.

「It’s a misunderstanding. Please leave.」

I tried to shake him off again, but he wouldn't let go.
As I'm struggling, the white door opened with a jingle.

「Ojou! I'm here again— …What's with this guy?」

Leading the way in was Ryuse-san. a young man who was taller and slenderer than Schneider. His smiling and happy face faded into a grim expression the moment he saw Schneider.

「Huh? Is someone hitting on you again, Manager?」

Next to enter was Chise-san, who was even taller than Ryuse-san. Also in his human form, he glared at Schneider as he asked in a low voice.

「…A noble, huh.」

Sena-san, who entered next, observed Schneider with cold eyes. As expected, he had a good eye.
They were wearing tattered jackets that looked like military uniforms.
Seeing that, Schneider frowned and muttered disparagingly.

「…Mercenaries, huh.」

Though they should be used to such reactions, they glared at Schneider.

A tense atmosphere filled the air.
Amidst such an atmosphere, Shize-san, in the form of a man with jet-black hair all back, entered the shop, pushing Sena-san and the others aside.

Then, with a thud, he plopped down in his usual seat. As if following the lead of their boss, Shize-san, Ryuse-san and the others stopped glaring at Schneider and reluctantly sat down at their usual seats.

「The usual.」

Shize-san said his order in a low voice.

「Ojou, I'll have my usual latte too.」

Ryuse-san laughed as he ordered.

「Hurry, hurry, I'm starving.」

Chise-san said, slumping over the table, seemingly hungry.

「I'll have the usual too.」

Sena-san said while giving Schneider a chilly look.

「Alright. That's three thick steaks, one sandwich, one black coffee, two lattes, and one mango juice, right?」
「Oh, the manager knows well.」
「I'll bring them right away.」

I managed to shake off Schneider's hand and entered the kitchen.

I poured a glass of mango juice while using magic to cook the meat I had pre-seasoned. Then I made two lattes, one with less milk, and served them first.
After that, I brought the grilled steaks and the ham sandwich.

After serving the orders of the Beastman Mercenaries, I noticed Schneider still standing there in the middle of the shop and called out to him.

「Ah, you're still here, Schneider. I told you go back.」

As soon as I uttered that name, the air in the room became tense again.
Even Shize-san, who had ignored Schneider, turned his attention to him.

「Why are you running a café in such a place? Your coffee has always been well-received but… It's dangerous here.」

Schneider took a glance at Ryuse-san and the others as he said that.
By "danger", did he mean bandits or robbers? But I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to target a café frequented by a band of Beast Mercenaries.

「I can protect myself. There's no need to worry.」

I am proud to say that I have not lost my magic skills.
You shouldn't underestimate me too much.
I even had spells set up to kick out troublesome customers.

「I can't leave you with these barbarians!」 

It was only then that I realised Schneider's "dangerous" remark referred to the Beastman Mercenaries.

「Harh? Are you looking for a fight?」

Ryuse-san got up from his seat at the counter and confronted Schneider. Schneider, too, was a talented man who had achieved excellent results at the Saint Crisante Academy[2]. Due to his confidence that he could fight them off with magic, he was willing to take them on.
That's not good. We can't have them running riot here.

「Who do you think we are!」

Ryuse-san roared and transformed into a pure white cheetah. He opened his large mouth and bared his fangs.

「A beast!?」

Schneider backed away in surprise , grabbing the hilt of the sword at his waist.

「We are the Beastmen Mercenary Group. If you know that and still got a problem, spit them out!!」

Chise-san also stood up and transformed. The blue wolf with its sharp fangs bared appeared even more menacing than Ryuse-san.
Both Sena-san and Shize-san also transformed into their beast forms. However, Shize-san quietly started eating his steak, as if he had lost interest in Schneider. Nevertheless, he gave off an overwhelming presence.

「Everyone, please calm down.」

I grabbed Ryuse-san's arm and pulled him away from Schneider.

「If he's causing trouble, I'll kick him out for you, okay? Ojou.」
「There's no need to trouble you all with such matters.」

I firmly declined, but Ryuse-san smiled at me with his cat-like face.

「I only require one date as payment.」

With a fluffy hand, he grabbed me as his long tail wrapped around my waist.

「Quit messing around! That's my fiancée!!」

Then I felt an arm around my waist, and Schneider pulled me into a hug away from Ryuse-san.

「What!? Fiancée!?」

Ryuse-san was angered and astonished.
I was equally surprised, not understanding why Schneider was calling me his fiancée.

「So, you're the noble… The ex-fiancé who abandoned Rhonya right before your wedding?」

With an emphasis on the word "ex" Sena-san spoke, his voice laced with thorns.

「And what does this nobleman want with Rhonya now? ——Hey, Rhonya. Isn't it his fault that you are no longer an aristocratic lady? If that's the case, we'll drive him away for you.」

A glint flashed across Sena-san's eyes.
Ryuse-san and Chise-san, both grinning enthusiastically, wagged their tails excitedly.
Even after seeing them fully prepared for battle, Shize-san still didn't stop eating,

「It's okay, everyone. Please enjoy your food.」

This is my problem, so I'll take care of it.
With that determination, I turned to face Schneider and put my hand on his cheek.

「Schneider… I liked you. You've always been kind to me, spoiling me even though I was no good.」

As I said this with a smile, Schneider blushed and murmured「Rhonya…」

「But I don’t like you the way you are now.」

I immediately withdrew my smile and coldly declared.

「Eh?」Schneider froze. Grabbing him by the shoulders, I pushed him towards the white door.

「What are you trying to do now after you one-sidedly broke off your engagement to embrace another woman? Are you going to say you regret it? Changing women so often is disgraceful! Don't tell me you came here because Lady Misano dumped you? Don't be ridiculous. I want nothing to do with a man like you. Don't come here again.」

I shoved Schneider and chased him out of the store.
I closed the door with a bang and let out a sigh of relief.

Having said all this, the misunderstanding should be cleared up.
Since Lady Misano was devoted, I don't think she dumped Schneider. If Schneider returns back to her side, things should return to normal. I will wish them happiness from afar.

「Hooo, look at you go, Manager.」
(lilies: can you tell that was my attempt at a whistle sound but i can't whistle XD)

Chise-san whistled as he sat back down and began to eat his steak.

「I apologise for the commotion.」

I apologised, though they didn't seem to mind. Sena-san silently bit into his sandwich.
Ryuse-san also returned to his seat at the counter, wagging his tail as he continued his meal.

「Hey, Manager.」

When I heard Shize-san's low voice calling me, I looked over and saw that his steak plate was empty. Now, he would like his black coffee.

「Sure, I'll make it right away.」

I quickly went back to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and brought it to Shize-san.

「Thanks for waiting.」

I placed the coffee cup in front of Shize-san and cleared away the steak plate.
Just then, I heard the pitter-patter sound of footsteps as Ryuu came down from the second floor.

「Would you like some lunch too, Ryuu?」

I asked, and Ryuu nodded her head in response.
「Mhm」she answered briefly and took a seat at an empty table.
It seemed like Ryuu had finally gotten used to the members of the Beastman Mercenary Group.

For her, I prepared a sandwich.

「Rhonya. You know…」

It was rare for Ryuu to start a conversation.
A little surprised, I approached her, and she held out her small hand.
In her hand was a teardrop-shaped sapphire necklace.

「Wow… Ryuu, did you make this? Are you giving it to me? Thank you.」

When I smiled, Ryuu shyly pointed at Ryuse-san.

「It's a gift from me and Ryuse. It was his idea.」

Suddenly hearing his name, Ryuse-san's tail stood straight up like he was startled.

「Is that so? When did you…」
「Eh? Ah, yeah. I thought it would suit you, Ojou.」

Ryuse-san was grinning widely as his long tail gently swayed from side to side.

「Thank you, Ryuse-san.」

Ryuse-san nodded contentedly.
Then I thanked Ryuu again.

「I'll treasure it, Ryuu.」

Ryuu smiled shyly.
Putting on the sapphire necklace, I decided it was time to reveal something I had been hiding for so long.

About Schneider. And why I gave up being a noble.

「I haven't told you all about it yet, have I? The reason I stopped being a noble.」

After ensuring that I had everyone's attention, I spoke quietly.

「I was the daughter of a Count.」 

What I was about to share was a truth known by almost no one in the town of Domscarza.

「Ah ah.」

Shize-san looked straight at me.

「It doesn't matter who you were before, I just want to keep enjoying our time together.」

It was Chise-san who said that. Followed by Ryuse-san. 

「I want to know more about you, Ojou, so please tell me! So we can get to know each other better!」
「Speak at ease, Rhonya. I think I have a pretty good guess about your past.」

At the end, Sena-san had a meaningful smile on his face.
Whatever I am going to tell them from now on, I am sure they will accept it.
Their words conveyed that feeling, and I couldn't help but break into a big smile.

 || ToC ||

1. Written as "ミサノ・アロガ" but I saw a translation of her name as Misano Akuji, so… Let me know and I'll change accordingly
2. I am open to better translations of the school name. 

Phew! Can you tell this was 10 pages worth of raws translated?? I haven't done a chapter this long in a while (or more like I haven't been translating for q a while) HAHAHAH

It's been a hot minute (like years lmao) since I last touched this story so I seek your understanding for any discrepancies. (~‾‾∇‾‾  )~ Not too sure how the other translator splits the chapters but since her latest post (V3C5 Part3) mentions something about last sub chap, so following her chapter naming conventions I put this post as V3C6. 

And with that, we've come to the end of Volume 3 wheeee ♬♪(ง  ᵕωᵕ)ว♬♪ Pop the champagne

Anyways, I won't be doing the remaining volumes. I just wanted some closure and to give a little boost so that other translators would hopefully pick it up. 

Please feedback to me in the comments below if you find any typos or terrible grammar, etc that you think I should change. Or maybe you think my interpretation is completely off lol Help me help you have a better reading experience ahahah what a tongue twister XD
Thank yous!! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day!!

You can support me by sending some love in the comments or through the button below

peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.


  1. thank you so much for the translation! <33 you have no idea how happy i was seeing the update after waiting for sooo long 😭 i was definitely waiting for schneider and the demi squad to meet lol this is such a good chapter!

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