I Want Your Body Not Your Heart Chapter 6 🔒

Chapter 6

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1. Written as "齐南" which I guess can be directly translated as United South, so he governs over the territories in the South.

Nothing too exciting for this chapter ( ◡̀_◡́)

Please feedback to me in the comments below if you find any typos or terrible grammar, etc that you think I should change. Or maybe you think my interpretation is completely off lol Help me help you have a better reading experience ahahah what a tongue twister XD
Thank yous!! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day!!

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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