ARBE Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The protagonist is called Dishang Huai; family name, Dishang; given name, Huai.

Ding Sheng once roasted this name saying that purely because of a weird name like that, "Other World Royal Odyssey" deserved to flop.

In the middle to late stages of the plot, Dishang Huai would be so handsome, his good looks split the sky, broke the earth, shocked the universe, and moved the gods to tears. Furthermore, he would be surrounded 360 degrees, no dead spots, with the overwhelming aura of a king. His charisma was unparalleled, effortlessly charming anyone who crossed his path.

However, in the early stages, while it couldn’t be said that he was ugly, his appearance was exceedingly ordinary—the kind that would be hard to find when thrown into a sea of people.

As mentioned before, since "Other World Royal Odyssey" is a cliché-ridden story, it not only follows the "engagement-breakup" trope but also the "trash protagonist" trope.

The protagonist’s father did not inherit any talent for magic and could only become an ordinary knight, which caused the family's status to plummet after the death of his grandfather. However, the protagonist was even weaker; he was a completely ordinary person, or perhaps even worse than a normal person. His body was extremely frail, and he had no innate perception of the environment, so he couldn't even become a normal knight or warrior.

So of course, in an extremely typical shounen wish fulfilment type novel that focuses on face-slapping and levelling up, there’s a reason for all of this… All the contempt, injustice, and weakness are to set the stage for a thorough face-slapping in the later part of the story.

Dishang Huai's situation is due to his family's bloodline. That was also the biggest growth-type cheat the author had given the protagonist up until this point of the serialisation.

The Dishang family actually descended from an ancient Demon God[1], but the Demon God’s blood had been sealed. Hence, those with a weaker bloodline would exhibit remarkable or even extraordinary talent, like his great-grandfather and grandfather. On the other hand, the stronger the inherited bloodline, the more powerful the seal's suppression, and they would naturally appear less capable. His father was one of those who inherited more of the god’s blood.

And needless to say, as the main character, Dishang Huai showed a rare phenomenon of complete atavism[2] of his bloodline. He had virtually inherited 100 percent of the Demon God’s blood and being in a mortal body he was, of course, suppressed by the seal to the point of being extremely weak and incompetent.

As he gradually breaks the seal, the protagonist who had recovered the body of the Demon God would naturally regain his original appearance and his attractiveness would shoot through the roof; no one could even compare to his good looks.

However, these were all things that would only happen in the future.

After pondering for a bit, Stuart clapped his hands and summoned two rows of guards.

Brother: "Handsome ones to the left while the ones who are not to the right."
The well-trained guards, consciously split into two groups.

Stuart gestured to Ding Sheng. "Princess, can you guess which group is the handsome one?"

Ding Sheng refused to answer his question with a sassy jerk of his head to the side. "Brother, you don’t have to test me anymore; my eyes are perfectly fine. It’s just that, he is the one and only in my eyes."

Stuart dismissed the guards before slowly coming to realise the severity of the problem in hindsight. He jumped up and exclaimed, "Oh my god! Kris, you’ve actually fallen for a man!"

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1. Written as "魔神" which I think could be translated to evil god but i've also seen people translate as demon god
2. A tendency to revert to something ancient or ancestral

Just in case anyone's wondering, my chapters are split based on how the author originally posted before she transferred the content to JJWXC (´Îµ`;)

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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