I Want Your Body Not Your Heart Chapter 3 🔒

Chapter 3

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1. If you're interested to know more, you can google ancient Chinese wedding customs. But I think some examples for the men include having a servant who will yknow take their virginity and teach them about sex lol; while for the bride, it could be stuff like sewing your own wedding gown, or for those marrying into royalty, the palace may send someone to teach royal etiquette, etc.
2. I directly translated "闷葫芦" because I think it's cuter and fits the tone of this story better. Anyways, it is usually used to refer to someone who is taciturn
3. Written as "骑虎难下" which basically means unable to extricate oneself from a difficult situation but I felt the direct translation is quite apt for our scene (   ͡º ꒳ ͡º)

Author's Note: PS This cold beauty is not the cold and prideful kind, but the really quiet and actually soft-hearted kind.

Please feedback to me in the comments below if you find any typos or terrible grammar, etc that you think I should change. Or maybe you think my interpretation is completely off lol Help me help you have a better reading experience ahahah what a tongue twister XD
Thank yous!! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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