Kekkon Shoya no Deathloop Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Loop 4-2

You can find Chapters 13-15 on ISO Translations' Novel Wars :]

She had silky, magnificent silver hair and gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled like gemstones. All her features were arranged perfectly, coming together to form a beautiful, yet mysterious face.
There’s no mistaking it. This child is Serenia Vrag——the Duke’s biological sister.

「As I thought, it’s you, Sister. What brings you here?」
「E-Eh… Um…」

I couldn’t help but flinch when such an angelic beauty approached me.

「I-I was separated from my maid and got lost when we were touring the castle.」

I gave her a rather sloppy lie. I wonder just who on earth would believe a story about a bride touring a castle in the middle of the night without her groom.

Lady Serenia was slightly taken aback by my lie for a bit, before she gave a soft and kind smile, as if she accepted my story. She gestured at the door behind and said.

「You must be tired then. This is my room. Would you like to come in and talk?」

I should have said no, but for some reason, I nodded my head.
Just like that, I was led into the room by Lady Serenia and sat down on the fluffy sofa while she sat down on the chair across from me.

「Fufu, I’ve always wanted to talk to you, Sister.」

The living, breathing angel that was Lady Serenia, gave me a beautiful smile. That itself was enough to send me to heaven.

Ugh… so cute. She’s too cute.

How can such a beautiful girl exist in this world? If I only look at his face, the Duke is also really handsome. Seeing how the kids are, their parents must’ve been beauties in their own right as well.
——Though accordingly, I heard that they died in an accident eight years ago.

「I’m sorry, Lady Serenia, I know must be bothering you, visiting at this hour.」
「You're not bothering me at all. Rather, I’m elated. And please don’t call me Lady Serenia. Now that we’re family, you can just call me Serenia.」
「Huh? Then, Serrie[1]…」

When I called her name, she responded with a shy smile.
Did this child master the art of capturing people’s hearts?
Since a while ago, my heart has been going crazy. I feel like I would listen to her no matter what Serrie says.

「I thought you would be with my brother at this time… Did my brother do something rude?」
「No, no. No, not at all.」

He did, but that’s definitely something I can’t tell Serrie, so I kept quiet. If we’re talking about being rude, I’ve also caused a lot of trouble for the people in the castle.

「Because of my weak constitution, I haven’t been able to appear at social events, so I don't have any friends around my age. That’s why, I’ve been looking forward to your arrival, Sister. I’ve been wishing that we could become friends one day, staying up to chat the night away. I can't believe my dream is coming true so soon. I feel like I’m on cloud nine」

It's impossible not to get excited when such an adorable girl tells you that she's been waiting for you. The corners of my lips couldn’t help but curve upwards.
…But well, it’s actually the assassin who’s been waiting for me.

「Hmm… If this is Serrie’s room…then I’m guessing this is the Central Wing of the castle.」
「Yes, We’re on the second floor of the Central Building.」

I’m rather close to the master bedroom. It seems that because I just moved without a plan, I ended up entering a dangerous area.  Although I’ve hidden into Serrie’s room, for now, I need to stay vigilant when I move around again.
…However, this is also a good chance right now——I managed to come into contact with the person closest to the Duke.  Since the opportunity presented itself, I should gather some information about the Duke.

「Um, your brother… Duke Vrag… what’s he like?」
「My brother? Fufu」

Why are you laughing so suddenly?

「He is a very troublesome man. He's not very talkative, hard to please, stubborn, and rigid.」


really troublesome indeed. Was what almost slipped out but I managed to hold it in. I’m not so thoughtless as to speak ill of the Duke in front of his sister.
It was the first time in my life that anyone has called me「Older Sister」so I wanted to give her the impression of the grace of a mature lady.

「But he’s also a very kind person, though he’s often easily misunderstood because of the stern expression he has on his face. My brother has always been there for me since our parents passed eight years ago.」
「…You really like your brother, don’t you, Serrie?」

It was an immediate answer.

Although I think I’m pretty close to my brothers, if someone asked me if I like them, I wouldn’t be able to say「Yes!」without a pause.  I got goosebumps just imagining myself say「I love my brothers most♡」
The fact that she can say she loves him so honestly must mean that they have a very deep bond as siblings.
Even that rude and obnoxious duke has a soft spot for his sister.  It must be because he gave too much of his love to his sister that he’s so rude and cruel to others.

With that thought, my heart was filled with frustration again.
How could he be such a kind brother to his sister but show so much contempt for me?
Why couldn't he have just shared a small part of that kindness with me?

「My brother inherited the title at the age of twelve. And since then, he’s had to bear many heavy responsibilities by himself. It must’ve been really hard for him but he never once complained or showed weakness in front of me——it’s probably because he wanted to look good and be strong for his younger sister… That’s why I was really relieved when I heard that my brother was getting married; my brother has finally found a woman he wanted to walk down this path with.」

A misunderstanding that I couldn’t just simply laugh off came out from Serrie’s lips.
A woman he wants to walk with? Rather than walking together, I’m being ignored, left behind, while he rushes forward by himself. And I, too, am currently dashing in the opposite direction of the Duke, getting as far away from him as I possibly can.
I don't want to strongly deny what Serrie said, but at least I have to clear up the misunderstanding.

「Well, about that〜… The Duke doesn’t seem that particular about who he marries. It seems that he just chose me at random and in this case, I’m not sure… I can support the duke like this.」
「…Who did you hear that from?」

At that moment, Serrie’s expression suddenly turned frosty.
Could it be that she's angry?

I was in a panic and hurriedly tried to gloss over it, but when faced with her sapphire eyes, I couldn't even find the words to cover it up.
In the end, I could only answer her honestly.

「…I heard the Duke say it himself.」
「When was this?」
「During the dinner party today.」

Serrie fell silent, and an awkward silence ensued.
This girl must be a scary type when she gets angry. Harie could probably do it, but I'm not good with people who don't communicate with words but with their aura[2].

「Let’s go to my brother now. We must question him thoroughly.」

Go to the Duke? You mean to the master bedroom?

This is not good.

That master bedroom is dangerous.  If the culprit is the Duke, he won't touch Serrie, but there’s a high chance that I will be stabbed.
In the first place, there is no time to care about the duke now. I want to get out of this place as soon as possible.

「Why don't we do that tomorrow? It’s already quite late now.」
「I can’t wait for tomorrow morning.」

She’s surprisingly short-tempered. It’s hard to say anything against her when she says it so firmly.

「Um… The Duke may have already gone to bed.」
「I’ll wake him up.」
「…Won’t that be bothering him?」
「We’re family; there’s no need to hold back.」

Uwuuu Serrie, although you have an adorable appearance, you’re quite the forceful type huh.
Come to think of it, this girl was the one who drove away Count and Countess Rosner during the day. She might be an unexpectedly strong-willed child.

「Actually, I’ve already gone to the master bedroom once, but the Duke was not there. I don’t know where he went, so I think it’s best we look for him another time.」
「He wasn’t in his room…?」

Please give up on this.
I prayed inwardly in front of Serrie, who’s fallen silent and deep in thought.

Contrary to my hopes, Serrie shook her head.

「I know where my brother might be. Come, let’s go.」

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1. Technically she says Serenia-chan, but since this is in a european setting and I’ve decided to do away with jap honorifics to better match the setting, I gave her a nickname instead.
2. Raws "侍女のハリエといい、私はこういう、空気だけで語れる人に弱い。" To be perfectly honest, I don’t really gets this sentence

Please feedback to me in the comments below if you find any typos or terrible grammar, etc that you think I should change. Or maybe you think my interpretation is completely off lol Help me help you have a better reading experience ahahah what a tongue twister XD
Thank yous!! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

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peace lilies~


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.


  1. did you stop translating for good? 😩😭

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