My BL Reading List

Pretty spoiler-ish, proceed at your own risk [Edited 03/05/2021]

You might find that some stories are quite similar, it's really just my preference. The range of books I read is quite limited as there are a lot of tags I can't accept (ie. incest, pseudo-incest are my absolute no-nos) I'm also not the biggest fan of xianxia or interstellar either so haiz... 
All the reviews are quite spoiler-ish for crazy people like me that to be spoiled to know if we really want to invest time in the book. Anyways, they are mostly sweet, fluffy HE stories with no angst 

For the newer additions to the list, I've included the date added. For the older ones… oTL

For hopefully easier navigation:


Waiting Upon You [Translated]
等你仰望 by 易修罗

5 🌸
Potential landmine: BDSM, R18
I actually didn't really read BL novels until I read S.C.I. Before that, I was reading a lot more mangas. Am more of a visual animal alright BAHAHA So I guess this was my first dabble in BDSM Chinese novels. I will say that this was definitely an enjoyable read. I was someone who thoroughly enjoyed reading dubcon/noncon in fiction (and only in fiction) but lately, Idk if it's because I'm getting older, I'm starting to tire of it. I do still enjoy (seeming) dubcon though, especially if it's in a safe context like a BDSM relationship where there are rules in place to protect the parties involved in such play.

The thing I liked the most about this book was just how much respect you could feel the Gong (S) has for the Shou (M). It's been quite a while since I read this story so my memory is a little murky but I believe this couple had a safeword which is something that seems to be mostly absent or overlooked in other works as well. So kudos to the author if they did write that in and if they didn't, well... I don't know if I'm just being picky lol

As for the writing, I think it flows quite well, and I somehow find myself being drawn to click on the next page to continue reading. However, I took a short break to find other works to read, lost my momentum, and haven't gotten back to it since lmao Will definitely finish this book soon.

Exclusive Rights To an Online Voice Actor [Translated]
网配之独家授权 by 荷尖角(焱蕖)
5 🌸
Potential landmines: R18
Yes, I am that thick-skinned, I am recommending a novel that I'm translating ahahah but hey, if I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't be translating it :P

The story is pretty slice of life-ish, about two hurt souls finding and healing each other. MC is a reporter who's been hurt by his ex-boyfriend in the past and is basically disowned by his family because he's a disgrace for liking men. ML has some pretty screwed up past where he was born out of wedlock. Got abused by his mom as a child and ended up suffering from selective mutism. Basically, the author raises a few flags and digs some pits but I think she filled them out pretty well whether you like the way she fills them is another matter tho. However, I still don't really get the hate the antagonist feels for MC to the point he wants to ruin MC's online voice acting career before like their main conflict. Idk I read the story a few times and I still couldn't really figure it out, but then again I like to skim so maybe I need to fix the way I read lol

Pros: I really like the way it's written, i.e. author writes well, no horrifyingly glaring potholes. The MC and ML are both v grounded characters that make you think that such a couple might actually exist in our world. So really, it's a breath of fresh air (or something for you to gargle and refresh your palate) for those who are sick of those out of the world, domineering CEO type characters. Honestly, I would class it under the so good you'll never be able to find something like it in the similar setting of voice acting (tho I don't think it wasn't very much about voice acting tbh). It was the first book about voice acting that I read and when I tried to find other similar stories lollol I realised I can't, it left too deep an impression on me to accept other stories sobs

Some complaints 'cause it's just easier to complain: MC and ML got together a little too quickly for me lmao I can't believe I'm complaining about this either, but they started cohabiting the same chapter they confirmed their relationship (the confirming happened really quickly as well) wtf. I was so confused I thought I accidentally skipped some chapters hahaha
Another complaint I have is how the author resolved the part about ML's relationship with his parents. Honestly, ML wants to forgive his abuser (mother) fine, not something I would do but if ML's heart is just that big, fine. But my issue is kinda that if ML can forgive his mom, why can't he forgive his dad as well? Because technically, both of them did abandon him and mom did abuse him to the point he developed selective mutism. IIRC he refused to call his biological father dad near the end of the story, that was how the dad issue was resolved, but he called him dad in previous parts of the story?? OK ANYWAYS I SHALL STOP THINKING READ WITHOUT USING HEAD YES ahahah lost my ability to england as well XD

Anyways, I do still highly recommend this story despite my complaints. Read the raws if you can. If you can't, although my translations ain't great, trust me, you'll suffer even more with MTL ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

The Mighty 1’s Guide To Blind Dating [Not Translated]
猛一相亲指南 by 许半仙

4 🌸
Date added: 15/10/2020
Potential landmines: I don’t think there are any
Some explanations before we get into it: 1 stands for top and 0 stands for bottom. If you don’t get why, you can try signing 0 and 1 with your hands lollol 

Anyways, so with that out of the way, this story is short and silly with one major misunderstanding. IIRC the MC for this story is actually the Gong who’s called Zhou Lin (which sounds like ‘ling’=0 in chinese) and ML is called Meng Yi (like ‘yi’=1 and his name sounds like he’s a beast in the sheets owo) when he’s actually a Shou. Both MC and ML live in the same apartment building but have never met each other. Knowing that MC is gay, a fellow resident decided to set him up ML. Their first meeting wasn’t the best as MC went with the mindset of showing ML who’s more Gong while ML’s first impression of MC was a gangster or someone affliated with the world of crime. 

After their blind date, due to reasons, they end up cohabiting which starts to change the image they have for each other (or more specifically the image ML had of MC). When MC and ML finally realised and confessed their feeling for each other, because of the misunderstanding, (our wittle cutiepie) ML started worrying about their sex life since he thought that they’re both Shous. He even decided that he would become a 1 for the sake of love lmfao (๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑) TOO CUTE

After Transmigrating Into an Omega, I Was Marked by the Enemy [Translated]
Not Recommended
穿成Omega后被宿敌标记了 by 十权

2 🌸
Potential landmine: ABO
MC was an Alpha who lost his life and ended up being reborn into the body of ML's Omega fiancé. Turns out ML was in love with MC the whole time wow!! And after basically half the story of the MC being all like, how could I be together with and another Alpha turns out he was in love with ML as well but he just happened to forget and you don't really know why either. 

Either way, MC is dense beyond belief and ML is just the freaking epitome of rubbish domineering CEO characters. Plus Idk if I'm just being an overly sensitive SJW here but the entire story felt really sexist. With regards to the secondary sex, MC refuses to accept the fact that he has become an Omega and his favourite catchphrase is, "How could an Alpha like me blah blah..." To me, there are also hints of toxic masculinity where the MC is like, "Guys shouldn't do blah blah..." "Guys should blah blah..." 

And he just gives me the feeling like he's never had any form of sexual education when he obstinately decides to hang out with his Alpha friends without taking precautions. The words in bold are the keywords, I'm not trying to say Omega and Alpha's can't be normal friends, I'm trying to say that since he has become an Omega, he should at least wear his collar. This is not only for his own protection but also for the protection of others around him. I don't know, I don't like either of the main characters, I do quite like MC's Alpha friends but that's about it. Both the protagonists just low-key scream irresponsible. 

Either way, I don't know how I almost finished the book but I lost steam and dropped it. I don't recommend reading this story, but if you just want some fluff and lots of needless cringey cliche kabedons, etc, I think you can give it a shot. 

He Doesn’t Know I’m Dead [Translated]
Slightly Recommended
我死了他不知道 by 时崽

3 🌸
Date added: 04/01/2021
Potential landmines: It’s not graphic but it does talk about depression and suicide.
Another short story; this time, it’s q angst. Reminds me of another heartbreaking novel(?) called Waiting Until 35 Years Old, but the writing is a lot more confusing and doesn’t have a background that wrenches a knife into your heart and leaves you to bleed to death. As with short stories, I won’t spoil the plot. Instead, I’ll give some intro to the author so you can get a feel of what I mean by messy and decide if you wanna read this book. 

The author was only in their last year of high school when they wrote this story. And because they didn’t write an outline beforehand and the story doesn’t exactly have a nice timeline flow, it is quite messy (this is the con which might drive you away). However, they didn’t go back to edit it because they didn’t think they would be able to edit it well. When they were writing this book, they used it as an outlet to vent out their feelings (this is a pro that might encourage you to accept the angst???).
In their third year of high school, they often broke down from the stress and contemplated taking their own life. They got through every day like a walking corpse and the pain from the long nights of insomnia just made them so tired of living.

Marriage Alliance [Not Translated]
Slightly Recommended
联姻[豪门] by vendredi

3 🌸
Date added: 04/01/2021
Potential landmines: None that I can think of
It’s alright. Just a story about two guys who were both chasing this scum ending up having a one night stand together and then getting married because reasons and falling in love with each other. IIRC, MC is the Gong while ML is the Shou for this story. Also one where it was revealed that MC was always the one ML was looking for, he just got the wrong person for like 6(???) years. Scum is really scum. He’s not gay but enjoys the feeling of having two rich guys being a dog for him, so he keeps leading them on. He does serve as the antagonist of the story but no worries, there’s no happy ending for him. 

My thoughts? A pretty average story that was short enough to keep me hooked to finish it. I don’t think it was super dog-bloody at the start but the dog-bloodness does increase as you read further on into the story. Goes into the “read when you have nothing to read” pile.

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After Marrying the Enemy Admiral [Not Translated]
Slightly Recommended
嫁给帝国上将后 by 公子柔

3 🌸
Date added: 04/01/2021
Potential landmines: Mpreg
Remember how I said I don’t really read interstellar? Well here’s an interstellar mpreg that’s surprisingly(?) not ABO. 
Nothing stupendous, just a book you can consider picking up when you’ve run out of shit stuff to read. Quite cliché in that you can basically guess the amazing twists and big reveals (wowza) All you need to know about this story is just one line: MC was always “the one” for ML (yawn)

Little Mushroom [Translated]
小蘑菇 by 一十四洲

5 🌸
Date added: 03/05/2021
Potential landmines: Non-human (mushroom Shou)
I don’t really read much post-apocalyptic stuff but this one was really good. Personally, I think that the themes were all very heavy but the author managed to make it somewhat light-hearted through the eyes of a mushroom that’s obviously not going to feel the exact same way as a human. For me, I didn’t cry while I was reading the story itself but I started crying when I thought about it, so I think it’s a good food-for-thought kind of story. I do also agree with many of the author’s views; they’re not overly idealistic. There’s a lot of sciency stuff but I would put it on the same level as Marvel  fictional science—it’s kinda easy enuf to understand but don’t think too hard about it. 

From here on, I’m just trying to manifest a movie out of this ahahha
I honestly really hope this novel gets adapted into a movie and specifically hollywood because with China’s censorship, I think that a novel like this which shows both the extreme bad and the extreme good in humans won’t really be able to show? And there’s so much, SO MUCH death; so many grey areas. The world the author built is so vast yet at the same time so painfully real. I want to see the monsters on the big screen, I want to see the raw emotions of despair and hope; the world the author created seems so far yet at the same time so close to home. Like I can totally see why certain groups of people would behave a certain way and there’s really no real antagonist in this story nor is there really right or wrong, just everyone and everything fighting for survival in that cruel world. 

Simply put, it’s good enuf for me to want to keep paperbacks of it. 


Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife [Translated]
兽人之强养雌性/养蛇生蛋 by 土豆芽儿

5 🌸
Potential landmine: Bestiality, mpreg, R18
MC gets transported to another world (kinda like the Stone Age) after running at the speed of light (jkjk) then he meets a snakeman who forcefully takes him as his wife. My first venture into the Beastmen genre. As someone who's pretty into tentacles stuff, the whole snake thing is really hot. IT'S REALLY REALLY HOT AHHAHAHA 

I think some people might have some qualms about the MC's character but honestly, I think he's quite alright. I felt like a lot of his thought processes and the things he did are stuff I think I would do as well if I     got caught in a situation like his. So very relatable for me. I don't really have much to comment about ML's character either since he is technically an animal, but he really really pampers MC. He also went to fight the antagonist who kidnapped the MC. I read some of the reviews on novelupdates and people seem to have an issue with ML wanting to throw his kids away. But like I said, he is technically an animal. Most animal relationships aren't like that of humans and their young are often thrown out to learn to fend for themselves at a young age so I didn't have an issue with that. 

Other than that, the plot is kinda slice of life-ish (with a substantial serving of porn love :>). I also really like the extras which is set in the some 10(?) years about MC's son who got together with the mermaid who saved MC before.

Also, just a side note about the comments on JJWXC that made me laugh my head off:
There were people discussing what types of Beastmen they can accept and they were mostly saying they're not scared of snakes, but if the ML was a cockroach that can turn into a human... AHAHAH omg the imagery is killing me (≧∀≦)
The Richest Man's Cannon Fodder Pregnant Male Wife [Not Translated]
首富的炮灰怀孕男妻(娱乐圈)by 曲流逸

4 🌸
Potential landmine: Mpreg
Story is about MC transmigrating into a cannon fodder character who's pregnant and proceeds to acts cute and stuff to make his life easier. He also works hard to ensure that he doesn't have a complicated delivery. After that, he went on to win the title of best actor. ML is well the ML of a third-rate dogblood novel so of course, his setting is the domineering CEO whose catchphrase is: the weather's gotten cold, let's bankrupt the Wang Group. But I like that he does change especially when MC confronted him about his actions once. The slow progression from a domineering CEO to a loyal doggy is something I think is fine. Plus I find it funny when MC shades ML for being OOC in his mind. 

When reading this you can really tell that this author's writing isn't really that mature. She didn't even write in the novel itself to set up how our MC transmigrated into the book. I only found out when I happened to check her Weibo. But her writing is very lighthearted and cute. I strongly recommend for you to throw you head out the window when reading this book. I think you'll find this book really cute and fluffy when you do that. If you think too hard about it, you'll be the one suffering lollol

So now, I'll proceed to suffer a bit by expanding some brain cells on this plot AHAHAH 
At first, when I read the story, I thought MC was a little gay boi who enjoys reading dogblood BL, but it turns out he wasn't gay and isn't a fudanshi either, he's actually "straight". And according to the author's Weibo, he was actually on a plane before he transmigrated. Since he couldn't surf the net while on the plane, he happened to pick up someone's book, which was this dogblood novel, and started reading it out of boredom. Then, as you can probably already guess, something happened, the plane crashed and he transmigrated. In the first few chapters of this story, ML brought MC to the hospital for a checkup since he is pregnant and all, and we see MC being scared of the smell of the hospital. Basically, without the part the author added on Weibo, you can probably infer that he got into some kind of accident which resulted in his transmigration. But now, does that mean he didn't die instantly from the crash and was actually conscious enough to know he had been sent to the hospital but ultimately didn't survive? 

Anyways, I think you can consider giving this story a go if you've run out of stuff to read. The next few stories on this list are book transmigration as I got really into it after reading this book. 

Transmigrated Into a Lovestruck Side Character in a Mpreg Story [Not Translated]
Slightly Recommended
穿成生子文痴情男配 by 弦意

3 🌸
Potential landmine: Mpreg
As with most transmigration stories, MC transmigrated into a book after an accident. OG ML of the book he transmigrated into can be considered a calculating green tea bitch. After MC decides to start having a proper relationship with ML, OG ML starts being like ??!? Some people just don't appreciate what they had until they've lost them. He then tries to get in between MC and ML even though MC made it very clear that he's not into OG ML anymore. However, these scenes don't really take up a lot of the story, the main bulk of it is still p chill. 

Not much to say, it's just a pretty chill, smooth sailing slice of life-ish story about MC constantly trying to seduce ML. I think something worth noting might be the premise for mpreg; I found it quite interesting at least. The way men get pregnant in this world is thru medication. Male couples are given that medicine to alter their bodies for pregnancy when they're done signing their papers and got their marriage certificate. How this medicine works is that the couple will surely be pregnant with a child when they have their first sex after taking the medication. However, if they were to use protection during that sex, there will be negative side effects on the one who took it. 

It's not explicitly said why the original host of MC's body took the medicine the day he married ML but either way, since this story doesn't have the trope of MC being able to access the original host's memories MC didn't know of this until he got pregnant. Resulting in the first conflict between MC and ML, but it was resolved very quickly since MC was constantly being set up as a character who lives in the present moment. 

Don't think I finished reading the extras for this one, or it might have been another book. I get confused sometimes lol Like the previous book, I think you can consider reading this when you've run out of books to read.

The Man Who Married the Tyrannical Emperor [Not translated]
Eh undecided
嫁给暴君的男人 by 乔柚

2 🌸
Potential landmine: Mpreg
A story about a game streamer (MC) who wound up transmigrating into a cannon fodder male consort with the same name as him just when he got to the part where the cannon fodder dies by having his stomach cut open and his baby dug out of his body by the emperor (ML). Anywho, when MC transmigrates over, he got ML's attention with just how weird he was acting in that time period (MC has no idea how people addressed themselves and others in Ancient China) and ML thought he was kinda cute and interesting. 

The funny parts really made me laugh my head off and cringe from second-hand embarrassment at times, but if we discuss the relationship between the MC and ML, personally, I find that it's very unbalanced. ML is supposed to be a tyrant, so period domineering CEO that can shout, "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" while MC is this 21st Century spoilt brat. The author emphasised that readers should refrain from expecting MC to conform with thinkings from the past and vice versa with the ML, but I feel like she herself was forcing ML to do that?? 

An emperor, and a tyrant, no less, being ok with someone trampling all over the hierarchy? What? And when the MC starts throwing tantrums and just being plain rude (it's not even about hierarchy at this point, just having basic manners) ML has to accept everything, else the story can't progress. Call me Thanos if you'd like but I like things to be relatively balanced. MC keeps demanding for ML to change for him while not trying to understand and compromise for ML. Then, in the later part when MC's brother appears, he too started demanding that of ML saying ML cannot make MC happy and shit because ML doesn't understand being "equals" and cannot love MC the way MC should be loved (excuse you what?). And the main excuse for all of MC's crazy behaviour is because he's preggers and scared that the emperor will cut him open during childbirth. I don't know if I'm being too saintly and asking too much but while I've never been pregnant and know that hormonal changes can affect one's mood, I've never seen a pregnant lady behave as freaking crazy and hysterical as MC. Is the author trying to put pregnant mothers in a bad light or something lmao??

Whatever, if I continue, I think I might start going on an uncontrollable rant (I alr did lol). In the end, MC and ML managed to go to the present and live there I think (don't think I finished, might have skipped to the end). Wanted to recommend this book cos the funny parts were so funny my family barged into my room in the middle of the night to tell me to shut up AHAHAH but when I'm writing this review, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like exploding into a rant so... :/

We All Feel Really Sorry for That Supporting Character [Not Translated]
我们都特别同情那个男配[穿书] by 廿乱

5 🌸
Date added: 15/10/2020
Potential landmines: I don’t think there are any
This is a book transmigration story and a really really well-written one!! I wouldn’t say that the plot was completely new and original. It does follow some of the typical plot progression for book transmigrations, like ML falling in love with MC once he realised that MC had changed and trying to win MC back, but it did give me some surprises after reading so many book transmigration stories. And even though some might find the ML a scum at first, this is one of the few stories where I think the MC getting back with the ML is completely justified. 

At the start, when we see the MC taking revenge on ML for his host body, it’s super feel good!! Bruh I love the way he had ML wrapped around his finger lmao XD And as the plot progressed, I think I actually shed a few tears at some parts, it will later be revealed that MC and his host body are actually one and the same. The author also tries to shed some light on the plagiarism issue (Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms I'm looking at you 👀) and kinda fighting against it thru her story but how she does that, you’ll have to read and find out for yourself BAHAHAH While I don’t wanna spoil it too much, I will say there are actually three worlds in play: before transmigration, transmigrated world (this is the one we’re in for most of the story), and previous life in transmigrated world. 

I do think that there might have been some plotholes or illogical parts because of this setting but personally, it didn’t affect my reading pleasure and just became something to think about instead.

Transmigrated Into a Rich Kid Being Overly Spoiled [Not Translated]
Slightly Recommended
穿成豪门纨绔被宠坏 by 顾之君

3 🌸 
Date added: 15/10/2020
Potential landmines: ML is half-snake???
I think MC died unexpectedly during his college years, and transmigrated into this world as a little baby. Then as he grew up, and the memories from his previous world gradually became fuzzy and he completely blended into his new world. Somewhere along the line, he suddenly got like a new memory about the love story between your typical domineering CEO (ML) and this kind and adorable female staff. That’s when MC realised that he had transmigrated into a book. Other than that, he also realised that he couldn’t OOC, like his character was one that doesn’t like studying then when he declared that he’s going to study hard, he ended up being attacked with a severe headache. 

For this one, MC and ML are childhood friends so there isn’t the “my dumb fiance has changed, now you’ve caught my eye” trope. ML has actually been having a secret crush on MC since their were kids, so it’s like he always loved MC for who he was yay! For them, it’s actually two-way as ML has an unrequited love while MC, as a gay, is pretty fond of ML’s looks. However, because MC knows that he cannot OOC, he takes on more of a spoilt, tsundere persona to create conflict with ML (which doesn’t really work) and actively tries to push the plot between ML and original FMC. But issok, no worries, since this is BL, all girls are just NPCs for the sake of making MC and ML get together lol

Anyways, I think it was a good story. It’s nothing stupendous but it does have my favourite type of pairing: slightly psycho gong x easy to explode + blah blah machine gun mouth type of shou (๑>ᴗ<๑) For the shou, it really depends on the author’s writing. When written badly, they’ll annoy the shit out of me but if well-written it can be pretty funny. 

Feeding the Villain With Love [Not translated]
用爱投喂反派[穿书] by 橙子雨
5 🌸
Date added: 14/11/2020
Potential landmines: None that I can recall (maybe they’re just not my landmines so I can’t tell XD)
More book transmigration but this time it’s more like transmigrating into the game adaptation of the book. MC is the editor for the author (Gong ((my assumption)) of the side couple) of the novel he transmigrated into. So the author he works for is a pretty famous writer of those like harem, shounen type genre who will go crazy from time to time and completely screw his own main character over (this part is really funny xd). When the author gave his story a really subpar ending, a fan (turned anti, also the Shou of the side couple) cursed him and his editor (MC) but because the author has this amulet, the curse rebounded AHAHAH and the fan/anti ended up being sent into the game version with the MC. Then after that it’s kinda like your typical “I’m going to treat the villain (ML) really well!” while they slowly uncover everything type of story.

Major major spoiler:
The world they transmigrated into actually does exist, I guess kinda like a parallel universe(?) type of thing and the author seems to be able to kinda tap into that and write out the happenings there as a story. So while for most part, it seems like they’re fighting against the author’s mean ass writing against the ML, it’s actually not his fault? So yeah anyways, in the end MC decides to permanently stay in that world with the ML.

Tbh I didn’t really find it all that typical/cliché, there were a lot of parts which intrigued me and made me wanna continue reading.
I guess some thing to take note is that this author is pretty good at writing angst. While this is a mainly sweet story, the ML’s sad past did make me cry (but i have to say my standard is q low and I pretty much cry at everything). She even put in her summary that she’s a professional stepmom (^◇^;) But it’s pretty short, only 62 chaps, and I think it’s really really worth a read!!

Favoured by the tyrannical prince [Not translated]
Slightly recommended
被霸道王爷独宠[穿书] by 琼玖谦

3.5 🌸
Date added: 03/05/2021
Potential landmines: ML kills MC on their first meeting, MC is super fem
This novel is totally “it’s so bad that it’s good” hahahah 
MC transmigrates into this book where he was forcefully used as a substitute because the Di daughter didn’t want to get married to the prince even though it was decreed by the emperor. He reveals his true identity and gets killed. ML has some “illness” which makes him super irritable and with him being royal and all basically no one can say anything to him even if he kills without reason. It’s later revealed in the story that both MC and ML are some kind of immortals. MC thought that ML liked women (when he actually just likes MC in women’s clothes) so our stupid MC decided to throw himself back into the circle of life to be reborn as a woman, but he didn’t know that that’s not how it works, you can’t change your gender. So in a way, him having to go through all that shit is kinda like punishment for leaving the heavens and going back to the human realm. ML went down to the human realm to get MC back but I can’t really rmb why he was so irritable to the point of it being like an illness le.

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Can’t Get a Divorce Just Because I’m Pregnant? [Not Translated]
Slightly Recommended
揣着崽就不能离婚吗 by 蒸汽桃

3 🌸
Date added: 15/10/2020
Potential landmines: Mpreg, rebirth
I think both the writing and the story was alright for this one. MC was wildly in love with ML as they usually are at first. But then, after experiencing death and the despair of the man he loved leaving him to die, he decides he needs to wake up and stay as far away from the ML as he can. And of course, that will never go to plan, because ML will definitely think: Why??? Oh, I’m so used to his warmth and all the things he used to do for me; I have to get him back!! 

This sounds pretty dumb and honestly, it is, but there’s a reason why ML was cold to MC (isn’t there always 🙄) so he’s not an absolute unsalvable scum. Since this is the highlight of the story I think it’ll be better if y’all read it yourselves. But yeah, ML will realise the mistake in his ways and they will resolve all misunderstandings. Don’t think there’s a second lead (love interest?) I only like 1v1. (Sorry I don’t really rmb if it’s for this story but) If there seems to be a situation like that, then the guy is a lunatic so no worries. 

Anyways, a small complaint that I have is that the major climax was too anti-climatic, like it left me feeling: that’s it?? Especially after all the build-up. I guess the author isn't great with slightly more complicated plots beyond romance but all in all, a decent read.

Reborn To Marry the Admiral on the End of His Road [Not translated]
重生之再嫁末路上将 by 六安一盏

5 🌸
Date added: 14/11/2020
Potential landmines: ABO, mpreg, rebirth
This one is pretty cliché. MC was like forcefully married to the ML because of like those kind of government pairing thingy. ML is disfigured and handicapped from the war against an insectoid alien species. And MC is your superficial actor, but I guess part of it can be attributed to his childhood and shitty family. Anyways, in the first life, he plays around and cheats on ML and then they divorce, but he later realises how much ML has done for him and wishes to get back together. Their first life ends with MC being betrayed by another Alpha he cheated on ML with and ML saving him but ended up losing his life in the process. MC couldn’t take it and chose to commit suicide and he gets a chance to start over. This time MC decides to give his all to ML, to the point where some might find him to be too submissive but to each their own, I didn’t really mind it that much.

One of the longer ones I’ve read in a while, about 271 chaps (I’m still traumatised by this 1000+ chaps shitty shoujo that I never completed loi). Though long, I actually didn’t find it draggy at all. For the most part, this story doesn’t really have much ups and downs, just a really slice of life type of story but not boring?? I can’t really put it to words but I found it a very soothing read. I do have some complaints though lollol Like i never understood why or how ML was so in love with MC to the point of giving up his life for him. I get that because it’s something from the previous life, the author just wants to give a brief intro and move on but I guess cos it was so brief I found it kinda lacking in that aspect purely because I couldn’t understand the motivation behind his actions. Plus the author keeps trying to say like MC was an utter piece of shit in his previous which made me even more ??? But that’s just a very small point at the start of the story and it really doesn’t affect the rest of the story. 

Another complaint that I have is HOW FKING DARE YOU MC!! XD 
He freaking almost immediately threw away his life which ML gave up his own to save??? Excuse me?! You should experience a lifetime of loneliness and die alone THANK YOU

Beloved Marriage in High Society [Translated]
Slightly recommended
宠婚豪门[重生] by 蒹葭妮子

3.5 🌸
Date added: 03/05/2021
Potential landmines: Dogblood
Too long ahahah XD and also super dogbloody. Everything is so needlessly complicated like MC had multiple identity changes?? (not exactly but in a way) but sometimes you just need a little dogblood in your life I guess lmao Also another one that I feel that it’s so bad it’s good. 

Ok but character-wise, I think it was something new for me as well. (This armchair psychologist over here thinks that) MC seems to might have high-functioning autism? It’s actually quite refreshing in a way because the author doesn’t have any reason to insert some dumb lack of communication in order to push the plot forward through misunderstandings so really big plus. But it might also be because they got together so quickly it felt kinda draggy in the second half since you don’t really get much character development other than MC becoming increasingly “lazy” because of ML spoiling him silly. Like it is fluffy but it is also so dogblood with the focus on ML removing obstacles that can’t even be considered obstacles because he is so OP and the author also gave MC an OP family sighs…

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Swore Never To Fight for the Emperor's Favour [Not Translated]
Slightly recommended
誓不争宠 by 崔罗什

3 🌸
Potential landmine: Mpreg
This story is a bit xianxia/xuanhuan. Reversible couple with a setting tickled my extra ticklish funny bone (basically my sense of humour is p bad). Love story between the Emperor and his Empress. I think I couldn't really tell who was the MC and ML so I'll just call them Emporer and Empress (yes empress is a man)... Empress has a twin sister whose identity he used in order to help the Emperor when the Emporer was still a kid. Emperor thought he was in love with the twin sister the whole time and didn't know the one he liked was really the Empress so he was even sad when the twin sister died and kinda like left the Empress position empty for a long time. Ok whatever, so obviously they will clear their misunderstandings and have kids. Either way another very chill (or to put it very simply bland) story. 

Another one where I liked how the mpreg works. This is also a world where marriage between men is quite normalised. When they get married, one of the men will take some medicine to change their body and make it so that they can get pregnant. The reversible comes in when this master from whatever sect comes, Emporer asks if he will have kids, 'cause so many years still no kids, then the master said that the Emperor will have quite a few kids. 

To end off, I thought the world that the author built was quite nice but I felt that they didn't really fill the pits that they dug properly. Ending felt pretty rushed, by pretty I mean very. Bruh I didn't even realise when I had reached the final chap sobs _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ GIMME MOARRRR

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Pet Snake's Prison Break Plan [Not Translated] 
Slightly Recommended
宠物蛇的越狱计划 by 逸青之青

3 🌸
Date added: 15/10/2020
Potential landmines: Non-con at the start and maybe if you don’t like reading even a vague description of two snakes getting in on the action
The story is basically in the title, but in the end the snakes realised that their owner was the best and way better than anything outside. Very very short but surprisingly draggy. For this one, I know for sure that I didn’t finish reading the extras. However, I do still remember it being pretty cute so give it a shot if you can. I do think this one is q MTL-able. 

Main Couple: Mexican black kingsnake x White corn snake (they become human later)
Side couple: Owner x Neighbour

My Only One [Not translated]
Slightly recommended
独钟 by 杜冒菜

3 🌸
Date added: 14/11/2020
Potential landmines: None that I can think of
The story is really short and I don’t wanna spoil it so a brief translation of the synopsis.
A period novel where marriage came first before love. The gentle, beautiful Shou got sold off by his father to pay off a debt and was forced to marry Gong. He was prepared to be bullied for the rest of his life, but the Gong treated him like a treasure and spoiled him right from the very beginning, not letting him suffer any grievances. This is a straightforward, sweet story.

I’m starting to see a trend XD I guess I really like those pairings where one is more wifely(?)...

The Princess Absolutely Refuses To Break off His Engagement [Not translated]
Slightly recommended
公主他坚决不退婚 by 大圆子

4 🌸
Date added: 04/01/2021
Potential landmines: None that I can think of
Issa super duper short book transmigration story that leaves you wishing for more. Really well-written (to me I guess). Not sure where I read this, but there was a review saying to treat this like a fairytale. Just as you won’t question why a princess would wake up from true love’s kiss by a prince, you don’t ask how MC got back to ML. It’s too short so I shan’t spoil. Felt kinda angsty. 


Two old demons [Translated]
两个老妖怪 by 争教销魂

4 🌸
Date added: 03/05/2021
Potential landmines: Non-con, non-human
It a very short story that came from baidu and was inspired by the picture above. The main gist of it is just two demons deciding to come down to a human city from whatever isolated area they were in to look for love. They happened to become fond of each other but does not know that the other is also a demon so these two idiots took extra care to make themselves “grow old” and everything and only realised that something was wrong after like 100+ years ahahah

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I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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