穿成豪门Alpha的反派弃夫[穿书] rant???

(possible) English Name: Transmigrated as a Rich Alpha's Villainous Abandoned Husband

I just want to start off by saying I am so freaking confused by this story???

Ok but honestly lowkey my fault, I just went straight into the story without reading the synopsis...

But really really, when I saw the title of the book I thought it was just gonna be some brainless fluff, so I had no expectations for the plot. I genuinely just wanted to drown in some sugar (when I read the author's synopsis, it still sounded like brainless fluff zzz)... But the more I read, the more confused I got lmao 

I'm just like: Am I still reading BL???

A little guide about the people I'm going to mention:

MC: Jian Yutang
Original host: Qi Tang
ML: Ke Jun
Original MC of the book: Qi Tong (supposedly ML's white moonlight1)

This story is about a guy that enjoys reading omegaverse stories transmigrating into a book with an omegaverse + sci-fi setting. And as stated in the title, Jian Yutang transmigrates into Qi Tang's body, who is the villain in the book. The timing at which he transmigrates in when Qi Tang drugged Ke Jun to well, do the deed out of jealousy(?) because his "younger brother", Qi Tong was seducing his husband. 

Ke Jun's setting is supposed to be this very righteous, upright person with very strict principles so obviously, the act of Qi Tong drugging him went over the line. Coupled with Qi Tong, the perfect definition of a green tea bitch, saying shit to mislead him, Ke Jun wanted to divorce Qi Tong. At this point, Jian Yutang doesn't agree to the divorce immediately and tries to clear up the misunderstanding, or he'll be left with a bad name. And he more or less manages to and makes Ke Jun start to have doubts about Qi Tong. 

Whatever, who cares, that's not the part that confused me (though I don't think anyone cares what confused me either pfft) I was really confused by the setting of the book Jian Yutang transmigrated into and also the later plot. 

The entire setting felt like a Star Wars x Ender's Game. Suddenly there's stuff about the Alliance and the Empire which reside in different galaxies respectively. The thing that made me think of Ender's Game was the aliens they were fighting against. The humans are fighting against these insectoids which I believe are in the form of ants (honestly, what's with everyone's obsession with monster ants, e.g. HunterxHunter, Solo Leveling, etc) There's this (not so) big reveal that Original Host's mother is actually the princess of the Empire. And citizens of the Empire have special abilities, so naturally, our MC (with the host's body) has a special ability as well. And guess what, it's a super-duper (v casually) useful power.

A reminder that Jian Yutang transmigrated into an omegaverse book, so there are signals (sorries am not very well-read in the omegaverse genre) and stuff. And well well well, Jiang Yutang just so happens to have the ability to sense and control people and the Insectoid aliens through their signals... Then the rest of the story is just about the fight against these aliens and yada yada

I don't really have much problems with the plot since I don't use my head when reading, but it did make me feel like Am I still reading BL? As not only was there little to no fluff (which was what I was looking for, but that's my own fault), I felt like there wasn't even much about their relationship. Plus, it's just a little off-putting when my stupid brain keeps comparing and drawing links to Ender's Game. 

But my biggest issue was with the ML as a character. It's an issue I can't ignore even when I'm reading without using my head. 
The author tried to give him a good guy + the typical silent, cool, domineering CEO characterisation, but then when he fell in love with the MC in like 2 chaps? (bEcAuSe hE's nOt LiKe oThEr pEoPle!), he completely OOC-ed. W. T. F. He suddenly became the loyal doggy type Gong that keeps spouting lame and cringey ass lines. And by cringey, I mean the type that makes you wanna curl up and die. 

I've seen some comments on JJWXC saying that like both the ML and Orginal MC of the book are scum, a match made in heaven so to speak. Well, ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭ Besides, I don't really get why MC and ML are together either. Firstly, because the ML's so-called love felt rather shallow. Secondly, MC basically just sees the ML as a good guy worthy of being friends or allies with, then because as plot dictates, the feels will just sprout out of nowhere.

Sighpies, anyways, I just wanted to say that I felt really baited by the title and if I had read the synopsis beforehand, that as well. I also realised that the Interstellar genre is prolly not for me... Aye whatever, if you're reading this, then you've finally made it to the end \(≧▽≦)/

So erhm... congrats on getting through this incoherent mess!!

I will probably write more incoherent crap gushing or ranting about other novels. If you haven't read this... :)

peace lilies~

1. Written as '白月光' which kinda means like your dream person, like no one can ever top that person in your heart. It can also be understood with the Portuguese term, Saudade. I don't think there's a term in English for it...


I'm a mega weeb who just wants to share some online novels I've read and maybe translate some of them to english along the way. I do not guarantee the accuracy of my translations.

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